<p>I'm sure there are plenty of classes that you wish could get you college credit/were weighted or just plain-out existed!</p>
<p>AP Greek Language / Lit
AP Music Composition (Not Theory)
AP Nutrition Science?!
AP Calculus 3
AP Philosophy
AP Business Mathematics (Pre-Accounting)</p>
<p>These are just ones that came to mind...post more!</p>
<p>AP Biochemistry
AP Organic Chemistry
AP Genetics
AP Cell Biology
AP Philosophy
AP Python (The programming language)
AP Sociology
AP Political Science</p>
<p>I march baritone, so the cool tuba stuff I don’t get to do sadly. BD is trying to get me to do sousa this year, but I really don’t want to. I love tuba, but I don’t have the endurance to run around with the sousa on every other morning and Tuesday/Thursday nights. lol Although, our tubas actually don’t do anything too cool unfortunatly.</p>
<p>AP Coloring = Anatomy at my HS (it is referred to as that all the time) because juniors either take that or physics and it is seen as a blow off class while physics is intense. Additionally there is a lot of coloring in the Anatomy workbook ;)</p>
<p>AP Ring Around the Rosie
AP Duck Duck Goose (Possibly the best class in existence)
AP Duck Study and Theory of Ducks (Even BETTER) <3 Ducks
AP Fairytales
AP Storytelling
AP Michael Jackson History (Study guide = last week or so of TV)
AP Dirty Jokes
AP Etiquette
AP Fashion and Clothing Designing
AP Fortunetelling
AP Grocery Shopping
AP Art of Advanced Placement Classtaking
AP Chanting
AP Plumbing
AP Competitive Eating</p>