Create an AP

<p>Would the AP (Undewater) Basket Weaving test have a “timed weave” component?</p>

<p>AP International Relations
AP Comparative Religion</p>

<p>these might already be APs, i only took history and english</p>

<p>They aren’t.</p>

<p>AP Cashiering</p>

<p>AP Quantum Physics
AP Stochastic Analysis
AP Neurocomputing
AP LISP Programming </p>

<p>Why settle for “college-level” when you can go right into the post grad?</p>

<p>AP Lunch
AP Movies
AP Music
AP Internet
AP College Confidential [easy A+ and 5] :D</p>

<p>AP Ebonics, ftw.</p>

<p>AP Daydreaming
AP Internet Surfing
AP Amusement Park Visiting
AP Creative Writing
AP Pizza Eating
AP TV Watching
AP Photography
AP Baking
AP Martial Arts
AP Fashion Design</p>

<p>My ideal schedule…</p>

<p>AP Cheating (sounds like great idea to me)
AP Sexual Harassment (lol jkjk)
AP APing (free 5 for ppl who are taking 10 other APs)
AP SleepWalking (will replace physics c e&m as hardest AP ever)</p>

<p>AP Braille.
AP Sign Language
AP Linguistics
AP Internet Memage.
AP Contact Juggling</p>

<p>AP Hentai Games
AP Starcraft
AP Dungeons and Dragons
AP Shojo Manga</p>



<p>Of course! </p>



<p>Quick response question:
Explain the art of clam farting and how and by whom it originated.</p>

<p>Explain why plums are an integral part of HSL.</p>

<p>Give an argument stating on the con side of freshmen on CC.</p>

<p>AP Gym
AP Lunch
AP Relaxing</p>

<p>ap resteraunt.
ap literature.
ap music performance
ap art of saxophone. :)</p>

<p>Ap sex day n nite</p>

<p>AP CC Sample Free Response</p>

<p>Given the following chance thread,</p>

<p>Title: Chance meh plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz</p>


<p>I have a 4.0 and 2400, chance meh for HYPS?!?!!?!!??!</p>

<p>Username: HarvardDarvard2000</p>

<p>What would be the predicted responses to this thread?</p>

<p>Give an example of the first 10 posts (if possible).</p>

<p>How much time will it take for this thread to die?</p>

<p>Show your work.</p>

<p>^^^^omg hahahahaha funny</p>

<p>For me: AP How to get with girls</p>

<p>hahah sacredapplicant</p>

<p>ap hindi :slight_smile:
ap swimming
ap eating
ap anything you want</p>

<p>AP Wrist Slashing Blood Art Portfolio</p>

<p>AP Organic Chemistry
AP Astronomy
AP Evolutionary Biology (just to see Kansas squirm)
AP Creative Writing
AP Sarcasm
AP Statistics of Grade Grubbing and Resume Padding</p>