CREATE path to the MBA

This program is new to me, does anyone have any experience of it?

“CREATE Path to the MBA applicants must hold a minimum high school GPA of 3.5, a minimum ACT score of 28, and plan to major in a creative discipline, which would include advertising, interior design, apparel & textiles, art history, art studio, music, music composition, music theory, music therapy, music performance, dance, English, interdisciplinary studies, and theatre.”

The STEM->MBA for the non-STEM student? Wonderful! ;:wink:

I know a few people in the first CREATE-MBA class, and it’s really neat hearing how they’re doing in the classes. They take classes with the STEM-MBA group of the same year, and they like how they work with engineering majors on projects that they normally wouldn’t be working on. FWIW, the two I know are majoring in advertising and fashion merchandising.

What kind of projects are they? My son is interested in the create MBA.

@MichiganGeorgia Per semester, there are three group projects: two are innovation projects while the final is a case study on the semester’s area of study (marketing, accounting, global business, etc.).

The innovation projects usually have an associated theme (ex. “SmartCampus” - innovating university campuses with technology), but at the core, they are focused on identifying problems (ex. my group tackled hard-to-find vending machines on-campus) and developing a proposed solution (ex. an app that uses geotags to show the nearest vending machines as well as the types of drinks/snacks within them). These projects also utilize the Business Model Canvas (

The case studies vary between the subjects, but they are all real-world applications of what we learn in class. In operations management and global business, I worked with a partner to perform SWOT analyses relevant to the information given in the case studies.

If your son is planning on visiting UA, I would highly recommend meeting with Dr. Rob Morgan. He’s the Executive Director of both the STEM Path to the MBA and CREATE Path to the MBA (and he created both programs).

@MathMajorUA - Thank you. The website says each semester class is 1.5 hours. How do they handle it for GPA? Is it really entered as 1.5 credits for GPA purposes?

@MichiganGeorgia You’re welcome. Yes, for everything (registration timing, semester hours, gpa hours), they are 1.5 credit hours. I think of it as a year-long 3-hour course, so they split it in half rather than 1+2 hours. GPA is calculated by assigning numerical values to the grades of a course (A is 4.000), multiplying by the hours of the specific course (Ex. Calculus I is 4 credit hours, so 4.000 x 4 is 16 “GPA hours”), then the overall number of GPA hours for a semester is divided by the number of hours of that semester.