Creating an FAQ for the college admission process

I’m going to page a few more folks for their ideas on FAQ’s about the college admissions process.
@ucbalumnus @DramaMama2021 @DadTwoGirls @parentologist @AustenNut @sushiritto @mynameiswhatever @happy1 @MaineLonghorn @Gumbymom @brantly @blossom @aunt_bea @ProfSD @twoinanddone @BKSquared @DadOfJerseyGirl @bgbg4us @MWolf @skieurope @gardenstategal @Twoin18 @Creekland
@momofboiler1 there is an FAQ for the CC community which answers some CC specific questions, but it could also provide more answers to questions pertaining to how to use the site.

@CC_Jon Maybe a Parent FAQ and a Student FAQ?

Many parent questions have already been mentioned above.

Student FAQs that come up all the time:

This would be a good example: Teacher Letters of Rec- Does 1 have to be STEM?

As would this: Is it ok to accept multiple offers?

And this: Is a C grade enough to get my offer rescinded?

Other common questions:

Should I apply test optional?

What makes a good EC?

Should I take all APs?

Will I be rejected if I get a C or D or F?

Should I talk about my mental health issue?

This thread has a lot of good answers and I think it should definitely be included on an FAQ: