<p>I'm new to posting on this board, but I have been lurking for a couple of weeks.</p>
<p>I'm interested in majoring in Creative Writing or attending a school with a strong Creative Writing program within their English major. I like smaller, liberal arts colleges. I don't like schools in the city and don't mind being in the middle of nowhere. I'm looking for a school in the Mid Atlantic, New England, Ohio, North Carolina, or Virginia areas. </p>
<p>So far this is my list of colleges:
*Middlebury College
*Swarthmore College
*Kenyon College
*Susquehanna University
*Hiram College
*SUNY Geneseo
*University of North Carolina at Asheville</p>
<p>The last two I consider my safeties, but I'm not exactly in love with them. I'm hoping someone might have recommendations for financial safeties (under $25,000, I guess, but hopefully less) that fit in with some of my preferences and aren't major party schools. Any ideas? </p>
<p>Also, if you know of any matches that might happen to fit in with my list, please let me know! Thanks!</p>
<p>Oberlin! It’s expensive, but not more than Middlebury or Kenyon. The Creative Writing program there is supposed to be great, and it’s in Ohio. Also, I did a summer creative writing program at Kenyon, and the literary community there is amazing.</p>
<p>Thanks for the suggestion! The emphasis on the application process for the creative writing classes scared me off when I first looked at the Oberlin website. I think I’ll give Oberlin a second look.</p>
<p>Also, I forgot to say when I started the thread that, in addition to being interested in schools without quite as high sticker prices, I’m interested in schools with creative writing (and some of the other qualities) and good merit aid.</p>
<p>Arizona schools are being affected financially in many ways. Be sure to check that out… University of Redlands (southern CA) has a creative writing program and gives merit scholarships especially in that field.</p>