what would a typical creative writing portfolio for college applications contain? how long is too long? what kind of pieces should i include? what about excerpts - do i include context? should poetry have a paragraph of explaining attached?
submitting in the form of a document.
I can’t give a precise answer, but I’d say shorter is better. Remember that AO’s are looking at hundred, if not thousands of apps. Anything too long, and they are not going to read it. They don’t have time.
Some colleges state specifically how you must upload any creative supplements. Many use SlideRoom. Do whatever they suggest. Make sure you are adhering to the college guidelines. Does the college even accept supplemental material?
Is this for a specific application that requests portfolios? Is a committee or department head going to be looking at the work?
I’d probably first have a short resume of your creative writing work:
How many stories, poems, etc… you’ve written
Where your pieces have been published/how many have been published
Any awards or recognition
Then obviously submit your best pieces. If you have a broad range of work, maybe a poem, a summary with excerpts of a longer piece, a short story.
@Mwfan1921 might have a better idea about this.
I agree with lindagaf’s observations. Shorter is better, I don’t think you should explain your poetry, a line or two ok for context, but again, short and to the point is better. Make sure that any items you have had published are on your resume, a writing specific resume is ok too.
Follow the school’s directions exactly, and only send a creative writing portfolio is it’s allowed. It is ok to reach out to your admissions officer and ask these questions, although you might not get an answer today if today is your deadline. You could also call the main admissions number and ask these questions.