Credentials Questions

<p>DS's SAT score report from April shows up as received on the Check Credentials site. DS didn't retake the SAT, so the April score report has his one-shot sitting. </p>

<p>However, he also sent the score report from CB for his SAT-II scores from June and October (and CB confirms this), but it doesn't show up on the Chicago site. I know Chicago doesn't officially require SAT-II scores, but it would be nice to have those scores at least available, since they are quite excellent... </p>

<p>Has anyone else sent multiple score reports to Chicago and not all of them (or the most recent) are showing? DS needs to contact his admissions counselor anyway and we are debating whether to add this to his list...</p>

<p>And, for anyone who had two 3C letters, did they show up as separate items on Check Credentials?</p>

<p>I can't help with the question about the SAT scores, but as to your question about the 3C letters, the Uncommon</a> Application Blog is helpful. According to the blog, the 3C letters do show up on the credentials check. </p>

<p>If you have the time, you might want to read through the comments to the blog entries, because Libby and Jon, two Admissions Office people, sometimes answer questions there.</p>

<p>Their bottom-line position at this point is that they are still processing material, so the fact that something does not show up on the credentials check does not mean they don't have it -- it might still be in the big pile of stuff-to-be-processed. They do not want people to re-send anything at this point. In one comment following the Nov. 15 blog entry, Libby said: "At some point, we will change the credentials message to say that you should resend documents. But that point is not yet. When the point comes, I'll post on the blog."</p>

<p>It's a little nerve-racking, I know. My DS also has a 3C recommendation that does not show up, as well as his 3B rec. Sigh.</p>

<p>BUMP.....are SAT 2 scores meant to show up on check credentials?</p>