Credit on account

<p>The NMF stipend money posted this week leaving dd with a credit on her student account. Is it possible to request a refund in such a case? D plans to open an account at the credit union when she turns 19 next month and the stipend would make a nice opening deposit.</p>

<p>I don’t know about your school in particular but schools do generally refund and excess money in the student’s account to the student. There should be information somewhere on the school website about timing and how they do it. This will vary by school. At my daughter;s school they refund credit balances starting after the add/drop periods then every other week. They either send a check or do a direct deposit depending on the student’s choice. At my son’s school they don’t refund until 4-5 weeks after class starts and have a really annoying thing where the refund goes on a card they can use like a debit card unless you figure your way through their complicated web site and make them deposit the money in a bank account.</p>

<p>If you made a credit card payment for your son’s/daughter’s Alabama statement, Bama will issue a credit to credit card used for that transaction. I don’t recall how many weeks into each semester it took, but it will come. : )
If your paid your bill by check, they will send the refund check to your home address on record. </p>

<p>Just a heads up, when your son/daughter applies for NEXT years housing (2011-2012), they will have to pay the deposit before they can select their room. Even if your child’s scholarship provides for housing, you (they) will need to pay the deposit. When the credit balance showes up after the (2011-2012) NMF disbursements are made, they will refund the balance in the same manner as funds were received (check or credit card). </p>

<p>BTW, Congratulations on your child’s accomplishments (NMF)!</p>

<p>Normally, the school sends a check in the amount of the credit. That’s what happened last February to my son. He got a nice check in the mail, which he used as a downpayment on is Alabama Action: Costa Rica trip.</p>

<p>OK, so here’s the opposite question: is it possible to ask them to let it remain in the account?</p>

<p>Good to know about the automatic refund, and thanks for the info on the housing deposit, Momof3boyz.</p>

<p>RobD: The money can remain on the account, but your daughter must speak with someone in student receivables about it. Not parents, but the kid. We found that out when my son was a freshman. I had to put him on the phone so he could confirm that he wanted it left in his account.</p>

<p>Thanks! Of course, I checked the account and it’s not showing up yet anyway so…</p>

<p>When I have had a credit on my account, I’ve had to either call or visit student receivables and request that the amount either be credited back to me or stay in my account. Due to [credit card] interchange fees, UA will not issue a refund by cash/check if you paid with a credit card.</p>