Credit Suisse Douglas L. Paul Scholarship Program

<p>Hi, I applied to CS's Douglas L. Paul Scholarship Program for sophomore minority students and got an interview on January 27. I know JP Morgan, GS, and other banks have similar programs for sophomores. I was wondering if anybody could give me an idea as to:</p>

<p>1) The interview structure? 1 person? Various?
2) Examples of the questions asked. Will it be the typical questions asked in finance interviews? The type of questions you get at SEO?
3) Does anybody know what the avg number of students asked for interviews for these type of programs? And how many end up getting the internship + scholarship?
4) Duration of the interview?
5) Interviews are from 4:30-7:30pm on Jan 27. Is that all you really do? They fly you in, you have have an interview, and then you can go back home. Sounds like an interesting little experience there.</p>

<p>If I have anymore questions, I'll ask later. If anybody has any past experiences they're willing to share about any of these programs, or are currently in the process of trying to get one, feel free to post. I'm very excited but a little nervous since I have never done any in-person interview at this level yet.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone!</p>

<p>No replies? Nobody else here has applied for this?</p>

<p>I’m sure some people have to have experiences from similar programs offered by other banks.</p>

<p>What other similar programs?</p>

<p>I know JP Morgan has Launching Leaders and Goldman Sachs has the Scholarship for Excellence. Both offer scholarships + summer internships and share other similarities (same with the CS one).</p>