Credit Transfer

Hello! I was thinking of doing summer school this year at CC to get a head start on my GEs for school at UCR. I have 3 questions.

  1. How would I tell them I am taking the GE classes so they will be notified so I can transfer them over?
  2. If I take English and pass with an A in the summer, would I be able to skip the placement tests?
  3. I was told to use assist but I am not sure on how to use it.
    Thank you!

Did you ask if taking classes at another college will make you a transfer? Some colleges don’t give aid to transfer students.

I would check with UCR undergraduate admissions to make sure you can take the classes and get their permission. As stated in post #1, some schools would consider you a transfer student and not a Freshman student if you take CC classes post HS graduation. If you want to get ahead, take some of the GE’s next summer after you have matriculated. That is what my son’s did while attending UCD and SDSU and then it is not an issue.