<p>Hi, </p>
<p>I am an incoming freshman. I was thinking about units and got worried that I might not be able to graduate in time. I was trying to see how much units i'd have to take per semester to graduate in four years.</p>
<p>How do I find out how many credits I am going to have from passing my AP tests?</p>
<p>go to bearfacts
and then click on one of the tabs “academic record”
then click on “degree audit report”</p>
<p>you have to umm request ? soemthing and then keep refreshing that page until it shows up. you can see what you have earned and all taht there.</p>
<p>depends on your college. For L&S, it is published in the Earning Your Degree booklet given out at CalSO, in the back in the reference section. For College of Engineering, the Student Handbook has it beginning on page 11. </p>
<p>Generally speaking, AP tests earn 2.7 or 5.3 units, depending upon the particular test subject except CS A which is 1.3. you need a 3 on the test or higher for credit, and then there are all sorts of rules and conditions for which classes and UC requirements these will waive.</p>