Crimson Promenade paver

Has anyone purchased a personalized brick paver on the Crimson Promenade? Does anyone know where the group of pavers for the college of engineering are located on the promenade?

I have.

I have the form to purchase a paver, but haven’t yet purchased one. I want to say that the College of Engineering pavers are on the right side of the path walking from the Ferg to the Quad next to BB Comer, but am not sure. The other side seemed to be mostly SGA, fraternity, and CBA alumni.

Thanks Sea-tide. I am undecided about doing a paver. A couple of years ago, while walking on the promenade, D said she wouldn’t want a paver. DH really wants to order one for graduation. Also, D in SGA but isn’t going to order an honor cord for graduation so we thought it better to put the paver in with the Engineering Affinity group. If you don’t pick an affinity group are they just randomly placed around?

I love the idea of a paver to celebrate graduation (although I will have to ask my son how he feels about it when its time.) I don’t remember seeing them. What text is normally placed on the paver?

Here are two links with further info, an order form, a list of affinity groups, and how many lines of text the bricks can have. Seems like a great gift idea! :slight_smile: