Critical Question About EA/RD (At Miami FL)

<p>I do not have the best stats (3.5/25ACT) but i do have good ECs, recs, essays. I always thought that i would have the greatest chance at UM applying EA because you almost get two chances if you are deferred. Some one told me however that this was wrong and that RD would give someone with my stats the best chance because the pool of applicants is not as competitive. Could anyone that is very knowledgable about UM or privite schools like UM tell me when the best time (EA/RD) is the best time to apply (to give me the greatest chance) with my kind of stats?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I asked the same question (for my daughter) a few months back. Here is the link to the responses that I received:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>BTW, she applied EA.</p>

<p>thanks for that, that was a good read. Here is the thing maybe you could help me out with this. I am taking 5 AP classes this year which means my transcript will be stronger Weighted GPA wise in January which would mean RD. Does UM do weighted or unweighted GPA? Because i am thinking do EA unless my app will be stronger in Jan.</p>

<p>Miami looks at whatever gpa is printed on your transcript. So if you school shows weighted, that is what they will consider.</p>

<p>But apply EA. According to college board's data, the EA acceptance rate is 57%, which is much higher than the overall acceptance rate of 40%.</p>

<p>I'm in a similar situation as you (stats wise) and Miami is my #1 I'm applying EA because that is where the highest chance of acceptance is.</p>

<p>Good Luck</p>

<p>thanks SoCal18, glad to hear about someone in the same boat as me. Umm would you happen to know of any sites that show you those %s from like this years class?</p>

<p>I saw those %s before. I will post the link!</p>

<p>yea i have similar stats to yours and i applied EA. i just wrote a great essay and had really good Teacher Recs</p>

<p>I believe that when you have good, not great stats it is always best to apply early in the process (especially with rolling decision schools... miami doesn't have rolling decision, just ea/ed). I think that the admissions departments standards for admission are eased a bit early on in the process and once they have their class 70% filled, they can then begin to get much more selective int their acceptance chain.</p>

<p>my s has similiar academic profile (SAT 1200's, 3.6 GPA). While did not apply to miami (great school, just too much $$), he did apply to several other schools with similiar acceptance criteria and has already been accepted due to rolling decision. I am not sure if he had waited until later on in the process if he would have gotten in at certain schools.</p>

<p>The main thing I would suggest for applicants with good, but not great stats is to </p>

<p>1.apply as early on in the process as possible. For High School Juniors, this would mean during the summer of 2008 (as soon as the application is available), don't wait until the fall. This shows the school that you are highly organized and very interested in the school. You also increase your chances of having all your stuff read by an admissions rep. many universities ask for an essay but may not ever read it. If you apply early, during a downtime in the admissions department (summer), you increase your chances of an admissions rep reading the application, your essay, ec's etc.</p>

<li>I would strobgly advise establishing contact with an admissions rep and sorrespond with that person throughout the admission process. this, I believe helps enormously.</li>

<p>Good luck to all who applid to miami. its a terrific school!</p>