Cross country

<p>What 5K times do you need to run on a university team? (female)</p>

<p>Here are some general standards for recruits; however, you can also not be recruited and walk onto the xc or track teams at basically any school. To find out those walk-on standards, you should probably get in contact with the coaches of your prospective schools.</p>

<p><a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank you :)</p>

<p>Chologan3921, what year of high school will you be in in September? Are you thinking about D1? How long have you been running and what is your PR in the 5K? My D will be running D1 for a very large school in a few weeks! With the recruiting process behind us, Iā€™d be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to PM me.
Good luck!</p>