<p>am an international student planning to resume Michigan Tech for Msc ECE next year bcos ofl ow cost even though i originally desire schools like Carnegie Mellon Uni(CMU) ,UniMichigan,MIT,Caltech and Stanford bcos of their solid engineering background.</p>
<p>am wondering if after my Msc at Michigan Tech ,i could cross to CMU(as it i think it is best school in Robotics ,UniMichigan(bcos of easy transfer being in the same state with Michigan Tech and higher rating) and Stanford
for my Phd in Engineering specifically Robotics provided i do well ,do a meaningful project ,have good recommendations from my lecturers at Michigan Tech and have a good CVs like being an active sub-group member of organization like IEEE,SIAM.</p>
<p>awaiting your comments ASAP.
thanks for reply .</p>