CS 121 or ENGR 111

For a CS major, one can take either CS 121 or ENGR 111 (both are 1 hour intro courses) the first semester. CS 121 is more specific to CS majors while ENGR 111 is more general for people who may not be decided on which engineering field they want to enter (from what we were told at Bama Bound).

ENGR 111 fits better with DS’s schedule, but I don’t want him to miss any earth shattering insights about CS as a career he might get in CS 121.

So, fellow Bama Borg, does it matter which one of these courses an entering CS freshman takes?

I’d especially like to hear from anyone who took those courses or has a student that took them.

Many thanks.

Deleted (thought I found a syllabus for the CS121 class but after posting I realized it was for UA Huntsville.)

The CS department and courses were revised in 2015. CS 121 was not an option until last year as reflected in the link below (my CS son did not have to take this 4 years ago.) Hopefully someone who took this last year will chime in. My opinion is if he definitely wants to go the CS route, he probably should take the class just to meet other CS freshman students.


Thanks @kjcphmom !