CS grad school - Stanford, Berkeley, CalState San Jose

<p>Hi college confidential!</p>

<p>I just finished my freshman year of computer science at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. I've been studying Computer Science since 8th grade. Currently, I'm volunteering my summer to help my professor with research on a new programming language (Quorum). I know this point in my academic career is typically too early to decide on graduate school, but I'd like to get some information on what I should be doing to make sure that if I do in fact decide on graduate school, I'm in a good place to do so. The graduate schools I'm thinking of right now are Stanford, Berkeley, and CalState San Jose. </p>

<p>For these MSCS admissions, what are the big factors I should focus on? I've read through a few other MSCS threads here, and I've gone through the FAQ. I'm mostly curious if there is any that these schools in specific look for that I wouldn't know about from reading about generalized grad school admission recommendations.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Do your best academically, get lots of research experience and get good references from faculty at your university. That being said, an M.S. is not as hard to get into as a Ph.D. program.</p>