CS Grading

<p>Does anyone know how hard it is to to get a good grade in the Computer sciences classes? How harshly graded is intro to computer programming to say, intro to biology.</p>

<p>Looking at the median grade reports (<a href="http://registrar.sas.cornell.edu/Student/mediangradesA.html)%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://registrar.sas.cornell.edu/Student/mediangradesA.html)&lt;/a>, it looks like COM S 100 (Intro to programming) is generally graded to a median of a B or B+ (maybe depending on the professor/quality of that class?).</p>

<p>I'm taking COM S 100M right now. It's called 100M because we do one semester of matlab and one semester of java, as opposed to 100J that spends the whole year on java.</p>

<p>I really like the class. The first exam was really easy, which ended up being my first perfect cornell prelim. The second exam we just took last Thursday, and it was a little harder, but still not bad. We've had 4 projects so far, which take several hours, but all the projects make up about 1/4 of the grade in the end and your lowest project grade is dropped. </p>

<p>I really like the class. It seems like java is going to be harder than matlab, but I still really like the class. I thought I'd have trouble having no prior programming experience, but I've been totally fine.</p>

<p>Just a side question...is there a big difference b/w having a B.S. in CS and a B.A. in CS?</p>

<p>In my experience it doesn't matter.</p>

<p>A B.A will force you to pursue other interests outside the sciences by fulfilling the distribution requiremts in the school of arts and sciences. In my opinion, this is a good thing, because college is going to be the last chance you get to choose some electives you enjoy.</p>

<p>If topic areas outside the sciences just don't interest you, then you'd be better of going with a B.S.</p>

<p>It all depends on where your interests lie. I'm speaking from my experience dealing with the difference between a B.A and B.S in biology, to my knowlege, computer science would be the same situation.</p>