CS minor

Everyone says this is the hardest minor to achieve at VT, and I was determined to take the challenge on. Now, after hearing endless complaints, I’m hesitant. Is it really worth it to get a CS minor as a BIT major? Thanks all

What do you want to do when you graduate? What type of work? Why did you originally want to take it beyond it being challenging?

Hey, thanks for the reply! Initially, I wanted to pursue a Cyber Security minor, but soon realized that there were far too many credits that just didn’t align up well with my BIT major. I was advised to pursue a CS minor, in which case I could still potentially go into the Cyber Security field. And, potentially also being a web developer (I like the idea of creating and designing).

Yeah, forget what others say and go for it then. You’ll want that minor badly for most everything you want to do that you listed.