<p>Hey, I am a freshmen planning to transfer to Cornell next year. I am undecided btw the majors of CS (engineering) and operations research. Is CS significantly harder than OR to get in? Cuz I heard that OR is like the least popular major in the engineering school and that Cornell's like top school in CS.</p>
<p>OR is definitely not the least popular major in the engineering school, but it is regarded as one of the easiest. However, the difficulty of the major depends on the person. CS is a very good program at Cornell, as is OR, but I don’t believe there is that big of a difference in getting into the Engineering school if you indicate one rather than the other as your intended major. It’s all about how you write your essays to show how your interests make you a good candidate for the Engineering school, and if you so choose, a specific major.</p>
<p>Both OR and CS are extremely well regarded. You also might want to look at ISST (Information Science, Sytems and Technology). This major was originally a joint venture between OR and CS and is now its own department. My friends in it take classes in both CS and OR, as well as info classes. You probably have at least a semester to affiliate–most students aren’t affiliated until second semester sophomore year.</p>