CS Pre-Med

<p>Hey Everyone! I am very excited about being accepted into Williams(I was also accepted into Amherst), but I still have no clue what I want to major in. One of my biggest Interests is Computer Science, but my only concern is that I am going to do Pre-Med. I read online that pre-med and computer science can be very helpful because you will have a greater technological background in med school. I can do CS with a concentration of Neuroscience and Pre-Med, but I just want to give my self the best chance into med-school. I would love to hear some thoughts!</p>


<p>P.S. My top Med school list: </p>

<li>Johns Hopkins</li>

<p>“Pre-med” only means that you need to fulfill the pre-requisites for medical school. Check those for each of the schools you are interested in, but that typically would be a minimum of:
General biology
Physics with lab
General chemistry (inorganic chemistry) with lab
Organic chemistry with lab
There is no requirement that you have a particular major, so why not study what you enjoy (CS) and make sure you take all the prerequisites. That way you will likely have a higher GPA (very important for medical school) and get to study what you want. Besides, doctors are required to use computers to a larger extent all the time!
Are you currently attending Williams or did you defer for a year?</p>