Cs61b isn't webcasted?!

<p>Are you ****ing kidding me?! Man, 5:00PM-6:00PM lectures are going to be horrible. And seriously? No webcasts? What if we need to review that little tidbit about arrays? </p>

<p>I really found 61A webcasts to be helpful. All these ******** budget cuts suck...Our money is being distributed horribly.</p>

<p>lol I have Chem 3A at 8am and they don’t web cast the lectures. Oh the worry-free days of Chem 1A.</p>

<p>How dare they make you actually go to lecture and take good notes.</p>

<p>inconnu: where’d you hear that it’s not being webcast?</p>

<p>Re: dt_
[UC</a> Berkeley Webcasts | Video and Podcasts: Spring 2009 Courses](<a href=“Webcast and Legacy Course Capture | Research, Teaching, & Learning”>Webcast and Legacy Course Capture | Research, Teaching, & Learning)</p>

<p>Re: Ektaylor
It was really conducive to my learning style to rewatch lectures. I don’t mind going to lecture…I just really having webcasts as a learning tool.</p>

<p>This blows :(</p>

<p>neither is any math class, apparently. this is gonna be a … less convenient semester. haha :P</p>

<p>or maybe they just haven’t added all of the classes yet?</p>

<p>Less funding = lower budget</p>

<p>Lower budget means no money to get the class webcasted.</p>

<p>At the same time, I see no reason why the bloody football coach gets about $2mil/yr. Since when was it okay to deprioritize academic facilities?</p>

<p>I vote for you’re overreacting, the haven’t put up all the classes up yet because the prof has to figure out the schedule of lectures. Look, not even 61a is up yet and 61a is always webcasted. Nevertheless, you COULD always look at Shewchuck’s older lectures. It’s not like the field of basic data structures has changed so much that the course would be absolutely different, and anything term specific should be listed on the course webpage. In fact, lots of people used garcia’s 61c lectures to learn the material for 61cl.</p>

<p>Christ, CC turns you into a paranoid hyper-ventilator</p>

<p>Also EECS will probably be the last department to lose funding when everyone else is up on the chopping block.</p>

<p>No Andrew, Classics is always last on the chopping block. Classics is rich.</p>

<p>I believe Tedford’s salary comes out of the AD’s budget; the school doesn’t give money for it.</p>

<p>dt_ - Math was webcasted last semester? Wow, math classes usually aren’t webcasted. Anyhow, I’m taking 61B next semester and am not too worried about a lack of webcasts (though there probably still will be some). I mean, how <em>bad</em> is 5-6pm lecture, really? It’s slightly late (nothing compared to 5-8pm CS 3L labs), but it’s not really early in the morning (which is the situation in which one would usually want webcasts due to lecture time slot). Also, like others have said, you can look at older webcasts or just take good notes (you’re at the #1 public university in the world, you should be able to take good notes by now…). I’ve noticed webcasts have been a sort of crutch for several students…</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - CS 61B Lecture 1 - Course Overview](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMV45tHCYNI&feature=PlayList&p=7C4767D389EB7196&index=0&playnext=1]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMV45tHCYNI&feature=PlayList&p=7C4767D389EB7196&index=0&playnext=1)</p>

<p>That link has all the 61b lectures :slight_smile: enjoy!</p>