Hi everyone, I just received an offer from OSU Columbus CSE dept for sophomore transfer. Could anybody explain the difference between CIS and CSE degree? I’m looking forward to a programming related job after graduation. Also I’m considering to study computer graphics. Any suggestions/tips? Thanks.

I had explained this in another thread a couple of days back, but here it is.

CSE is a degree that the computer science department offers through college of engineering. CIS is a degree that the same department offers through art and science.

BS in CSE and CIS have identical computer science class requirements (note that BA in CIS is very different). The differ in about 10% of total credits (12 out of 120+ credits), in breadth requirements. The engineering breadth requirements (anything outside engineering, Maths, or Science) is 24 credits. For art and science, it is 36 credits, and includes a foreign language requirements. CSE requires an additional class on electric circuits, one Maths elective class, and 2 2-credit intro to engineering classes.

Computer programming employers are extremely unlikely to care about the difference in breadth credits. You can take a number of technical elective in graphics with either option.

Would companies care since I am thinking the CSE is ABET accredited and I am not sure the CIS from arts and sciences has any accreditation.

I cannot speak for all employers. However, many top schools (as one example, Maryland College Park) only offer computer science degree from the science college, and have never bothered to get it accredited. So, accreditation is not as big a deal in computer science as it may be in, say, civil engineering.

Hey! I’m in sort of the same position as you are rn, having transferred to CSE in OSU, for my sophomore year.
However I was wondering is a CSE degree looked upon by employers in a better way over a CIS degree? I mean that’s what I’ve heard, is it true from an employers perspective?