CSE question again..What kind of Math used in Comp Sc & Engg classes?

<p>I was just wondering what kind of math is used in major Computer Science and Engineering classes?
Is it mostly discrete math? does it involve differential/integral calculus too?</p>

<p>I know I'll have to take calculus and discrete math classes to fulfil the math reqs for a CSE major but I wanted to know what kind of math is actually put to use in the core CSE classes.
It would be great if you could list a few topics (like linear algebra.etc) that I'm likely to encounter in a CSE class.</p>


<p>Most engineering majors require basic calculus, multivariable calculus, linear algebra and differential equation classes, while CS majors may replace the differential equation requirement with discrete math. The CS algorithm type classes may use the discrete math. It is really helpful to have a strong linear algebra background in both CS and engineering. The other advanced math topics are used more in the engineering classes than in the CS classes.</p>


<p>You may find the following information from Stanford’s CS department useful:</p>

<p>[Considering</a> CS?](<a href=“http://cs.stanford.edu/degrees/undergrad/Considering.shtml]Considering”>http://cs.stanford.edu/degrees/undergrad/Considering.shtml)</p>

<p>A good deal of the core subjects in CS such as data structures and algorithms use discrete math. However, there are some classes where differential and integral calculus may be used, depending on the professor. I used calculus in my computer architecture and computer network modeling and analysis classes, for example. Calculus is used in AI classes where the focus is on machine learning. Other mathematics subjects that can be useful are linear algebra for graphics, algorithms, and AI; abstract algebra for algorithms and databases; set theory and logic for the theory of computation and compilers.</p>