<p>o_o; What exactly is this?
I know LeadAmerica does it, but yeah.
And how good is it? like is it pretty selective ?
Apparently I was "selected", but yeah.
How is this any different from the National Student Leadership Conference?</p>
<p>I just wrote this in another post - I'll repeat it hear since you are new.</p>
<p>There are a number of these 'Leadership' programs and they are done for a profit. Never the less, I can only speak for LeadAmerica, my D went to two of them...They were very educational and socially high-impact experiences. SHe made stong friendships - four years later she still has some of the LA friends on her AOL buddy list and they chat. </p>
<p>I don't know what the "invitation" aspects really represent. When she was leaving the program they circulated post cards for the students to fill out and 'recommend' others, they also could refer other students on-line as an alumni. I highly suspect that most 'invitations' are a result of filling out information on web-sites for college bound students. </p>
<p>It's pricey but you get a lot for the buck...at least a lot of intangibles. It's definately not a "summer camp" experience, higher level. </p>
<p>My D raised money from the Rotary, Lions, family and friends. Wrote out a whole bunch of letters. Some programs you do because it looks strong on your application - this kind of program you do becuase it makes you a stronger person....</p>
<p>I went to the CSI-based one and I had an amazing time. I still talk to a lot of the people I met there. Very eductional and a great time, even if it's not very prestigious.</p>
<p>Do yourself a favor and use the money to earn legitimate college credit. Its nice and all to have “friends” to email, blog, and chat with, but I fail to see how this will further an academic career. The fact that I was “selected” doesn’t mean anything other than the fact I was selected from a data base. The form letter is very generic doesnt specifically mention the activites I am involved in. Think about this a minute - If a person is really being sought after by a student or academic group the organization would pay the persons way to attend - not the other way around. The pricing is amazingly steep especially for 10 days. Take the $2700 and travel, you will get more out of it personally not to mention all the new friends you’ll meet along the way.</p>
<p>totally agree with buddd there</p>
<p>Thanks for bumping a 1+ year post, collegeentering.</p>