My parents are divorced and legally share custody of me equally. On the section of the Parents Income (PI) section of the CSS I am unsure of what to put for my parents’ income. Do I put the income of my most financially supportive parent only or both of them combined? My father also recently lost his job and has just gotten a new one. However, he has not started the job yet but will next week? As of today is he considered as a dislocated worker? If he isn’t in the Parent Data section do I put the name of his new employer and state that he has worked there for zero years? I really need help and I have to complete this tonight. I’m just trying to get as much aid as possible and I want my information to be as accurate as possible.
You will be completing FAFSA which will ask for your custodial parent. THe parent with whom you spent the most time in the last 365 days prior to filing the forms is your custodial parent. If it 's equal, the one who provided you the most support. It is to your advantage for your custodial parent to be the one that has the lower income/assets. Child support, if any, will be added to the income of the parent getting it and subtracted from the one giving it. So if you are close, spend an extra night with the one that gives you most advantage in terms of aid.
You can put down that he is a dislocated worker if he fits the description at the moment, but it is unlikely that the final determination will be as such if he will be working soon. His income in 2014 will reflect his unemployment.
@cpofthehouse I already filled out the FAFSA, but I think CSS might be different. Some of the schools I applied to require the CSS.
Who do you reside with the most? Regardless of their income, that parent is your custodial parent.
Your other parent is your non-custodial parent.
YOU don’t put your non-custodial parent on your FAFSA at all, but any child or spousal support received would be listed on that FAFSA.
For,the Profile, you use the SAME custodial parent. Your custodial parent does the Profile…then your non-custodial parent does the non-custodial parent Profile if the colleges require it.
Really…I am not sure why you think the profile is “different”. You should have the same custodial parent on both the FAFSA and the Profile.
Whoever you used for the custodial parent in FAFSA is who you likely should use for PROFILE. PROFILE is verified by the FAFSA. Most schools that require PROFILE also require the FAFSA which is more easlly verifiable through direct IRS verification with the 1040. So the PROFILE is very similar to FAFSA–you can take a lot of the info off FAFSA and you have the NCP info sent to the parent you so designated and that parent fills out the NCP supplement. You and the CP, the same one for whom you filled out FAFSA together, complete the PROFILE. Some extra questions yes, but you have the FAFSA to use as a guide that you completed less than a month a go.