<p>I applied early to BC and just for the first time looked at the finaid deadline page. It says CSS profile’s priority deadline is 11/15?!?!? I didn’t think anything financial was due before EA got accepted/rejected. I obviously have not submitted a CSS profile yet, so I’ve missed the priority deadline. Am I screwed?</p>
<p>I know quite a bit about admissions, but almost nothing about financial aid, so any help is appreciated.</p>
<p>Thanks so much. I will do it ASAP. I’m guessing by your name you know a bit about BC? What is their financial aid policy on divorced parents? Basically my question is will my dad have to report his income to them? He lives in London so it’ll be a hassle trying to get his forms together and what not.</p>
<p>The CSS most certainly gets your dad’s income. And pretty much the value of every thing your family (both households, including siblings) owns. That is why many people who have a divided income situation will avoid applying to schools that ask for the CSS, so they can only be asked to disclose the FAFSA numbers, which are typically much less invasive and usually present a picture of less wealth. </p>