I have to file both the CSS and FAFSA for most of my school, but I’m unsure about what to fill out for the “Parent Demographics”. My biological mother is in the states and she makes a decent amount of money, but she will not be contributing to my college tuition. I am under a legal guardianship of my uncle and aunt before I turned 18,so I am considered an independent student, and they will be aiding me with college tuition. With the information given, should I fill out my legal guardians’ demographics instead of my biological parent, although it specified that they want the biological/adoptive parents’ information?
Thank you so much!
For fafsa purposes, you will complete the student portion. You will not put in any parent information. You will not include your guardian financial information.
You will,get to,the question that asks about legal guardianship…and you will answer yes to that (assuming this is a court appointed legal guardianship). The fafsa has skip logic…and will skip parent section. Actually it might ask you if you want to enter parent info…just say NO.
Thank you for your response! Given what you said, many of my schools still want me to fill out the parents’ demographic unfortunately… 
You need to contact the colleges. What makes you think you need to fill in parent demographics?
@kelsmom ideas??
Are you in court ordered legal guardianship? Is it permanent guardianship?
Yes, I am in court ordered legal guardianship.
What makes you think your schools want info from your bio parent if you are in a court ordered guardianship?
Because if it was temporary legal guardianship even though the student would be independent for federal aid, she could be dependent for institutional aid. She needs to carefully read her court order even if she did not go back to live with her mom