Css profile. Is it for internationals too?

<p>well i'm an international student living in nepal. I was recently under the assumption that the Css profile was only for US citizens until i heard from one of my frens that it was otherwise.
Can someone clarify?</p>

<p>Internationals need them too.</p>

<p>No, it’s not, Duke99. As far as I’m concerned, internationals only need to submit the ISFAA coupled with some appropriate supporting documents (i.e bank statements, tax forms, etc.). Many students do this so don’t worry too much.</p>

<p>after much browsing through my ED college’s site, i just found out a not-so-good fact.
my ED college only accepts the CSS profile from this year. No ISFAA this year.
And the deadline for submission of CSS profile is Nov. 1.
God help me!!!</p>

<p>email directly to AO is the best solution.</p>

<p>I am pretty sure SOME colleges have started to use CSS Profile for intl, and you might not worry about it.</p>