CSS Profile question - PD 175A


Report the total amount in tax-deferred retirements, pensions, annuities, and savings plans held by parent 1. You should include amounts in plans held by parent 1 in his/her IRA account(s), SRA Keogh account(s), 401(a) account(s), 401(k) account(s), 403(b) account(s), 408 account(s), 457 account(s), and 501(c) plans, etc., regardless of whether they were contributed by the parent or the parent's employer. For defined benefit pension plan values, use the most recent account statement received from the plan(s) that report the current net worth based on the employer and employee contributions.


<p>It says 'tax-deferred' retirements. I had contributed to a traditional IRA, although I did not claim any tax deduction on that. Should I include the value of that IRA in here? What about Roth IRA?</p>

<p>Also, I have a pension plan from a former employer. Their statements only say how much monthly benefit I am eligible for once I reach retirement age. So, how do I arrive at the pension plan value?</p>


<p>^ bump
I have the same question</p>

<p>Yes, you need to report the current value of all your retirement funds whether you took a tax deduction or not, including Traditional and Roth IRAs.</p>

<p>What I did with my pension plan was to add the amount that I contributed as that is the value of it now, before retirement age. Perhaps other members will have comments on this.</p>

<p>And don’t forget, if you contributed pretax dollars to a retirement fund in 2010, it is reported in PI-190A.</p>