<p>I know that once I send a school our CSS Profile, if I need to make any changes, I will have to do it by printing out a copy of the form and making hand-written corrections and snail-mailing it to the school(s) that have received it.</p>
<p>My question is: If I have sent the Profile to one school, can I make corrections online before sending it to other schools? (What I don't know is if the form can never be corrected online, or if it's just the case that the Profile cannot be re-sent to schools it already went to after being corrected.)</p>
<p>One of my DS's schools has a February 1 deadline for both FAFSA and CSS Profile. Especially with my husband running a small business, it is literally impossible for us to have our taxes completed (accurately) by then, although I should have very close estimates by that point. (I can probably make it by February 15th when several other schools have their deadlines.) So chances are I'm going to have to submit to the first school on Feb 1 with estimates, and I'm hoping that that doesn't mean that I have to send hand-corrected versions to EVERY school!</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>I only completed the PROFILE for one school, but it seems to me that you can change info before sending it to other schools.</p>
<p>Has anyone here updated Profile between submitting to different schools who can clarify for me how this will work?</p>
<p>I have submitted CSS Profile 3 times to 3 different schools at different times. Every time I submit, I have updated the asset information using the value on that day or the day before. I do not know whether this is the right way and I would like to know what is the right way to handle this.</p>
<p>That’s a good question too, txhandan. I know for FAFSA you never change your assets once you submit, but I don’t know how that works for Profile.</p>
<p>Your question does answer my first question, though, confirming that it’s possible to change the Profile between submissions.</p>
<p>Did you also need to pay if you update online and send it again to schools…</p>
<p>^^, yes, $16 for each school</p>
<p>^^ but that’s the same whether you submit for multiple schools at once, or separately.</p>
<p>I have like 10 Schools on my list, already submitted by using 2012 Tax return, will be slightly different for 2013 Tax return (few hundred $$). They mention I need to send
Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC) in Early FEB. I was thinking that 2013 Tax return in IDOC should cover for the minor changes I will have in 2013 and I dont need to update the CSS profile again and pay $16 for each school…</p>
<p>You actually can’t re-submit to the same schools at all (whether you were willing to pay again or not). You probably need to ask each school whether they want an updated Profile (printout, with your corrections hand-written on it) or whether your IDOC stuff will suffice.</p>
<p>dad2014, you can’t go back into the CSS Profile and update for a specific school and resend it. So you don’t pay again…you must take a printed copy of what you sent them and mark it up with changes. When I do that I do not change the assets (but I suppose someone else might think you should, just saying I only change the parts relevant to my tax return). I personally think it is archaic that you can’t send an update electronically… but so are other parts of the FA process (<em>cough</em> IDOC <em>cough</em> – you would think from the “I” in the name that it might be electronic based – hah!).</p>
<p>I don’t see IDOC deadlines on most of my DS’s schools financial aid deadlines pages. Does that mean they don’t require it, or they will let us know after we file the FAFSA and/or Profile?</p>
<p>My understanding is IDOC scans in what it receives and sends it electronically to schools. So it is electronic, just not for the benefit of students/parents.
Yes profile/IDOC seem primitive.</p>
<p>Not all schools use IDOC. Some will want doc sent directly to them.</p>
<p>Thats true only few of the schools ask for IDOC update rest not.
Is it possible IDOC can go into IRS and pulled your 2013 Tax return info just like FAFSA do.</p>
<p>I don’t think IDOC can pull anything directly from the IRS. You have to send physical paper copies.</p>
<p>What exactly this is on CSS Profile
"Estimate the amount of taxable interest income your parents will earn in 2013 using their 2013 investment documents and 2012 IRS Form 1040, line 8a. "</p>
<p>line 8a was blank on my TaxReturn since I have no Intrest income to Tax… I think I made a mistake and put AGI…</p>
<p>College Board and IDOC are private companies. Hopefully they would never be allowed to link to IRS Data.</p>
<p>Yeah, putting AGI for interest income would be a major error. You have no interest paying checking, savings, money market, CDs or such?</p>
<p>^^ Just Checking account and no interest income.</p>
<p>Not sure how I made that mistake. Now I have to fix this and mail to 10 Schools on my list.</p>
<p>Cant I Delete all my schools and Add them again and send them again so they can get a Newer copy.</p>
<p>I will be doing my 2013 Tax Return by 3rd week of Jan, already know my Gross Income for 2013.</p>