CSU Chance?

<p>Please let me know what chance I have to go into a CSU? (preferably, pomona or san luis obospo)? thank you</p>

<p>Unweighted throughout</p>

<p>Freshmen Year:
1st semester - 2.42
2nd semester - 2.83</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
1st semester - 2.46
2nd semester - projected to be 2.72</p>

<p>Acad GPA(9-12) - 2.77
Acad GPA(10-12) - 2.6
Total GPA(9-12) - 2.94</p>

<p>Extra-Curricular Activities I've done
- drill team and guidon bearer for rotc
- jv wrestling and swimming
- one book published
- band for two years
- awards for writing
- key club international member
- awards for music festival</p>

<p>I know this gpa is low, but if I had a 4.0 for both semesters in junior year, how might my gpa increase? thanks again</p>

<p>Calculate your GPA for CSU purposes as described here:
[CSUMentor</a> - Plan for College - High School Students - GPA Calculator](<a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>Cal State Apply | CSU)</p>

<p>Then consider your SAT (CR+M) or ACT. Calculate your CSU eligibility index as described here:
[CSUMentor</a> - Plan for College - High School Students - Calculate Your Eligibility Index](<a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>Cal State Apply | CSU)</p>

<p>This will tell you if you are CSU eligible. However, only non-impacted campuses and majors will let you in with the minimum eligibility index (2900 using SAT or 694 using ACT for California residents, 3502 using SAT or 842 using ACT for non-California residents).</p>

<p>SLO and Pomona are typically far more selective than baseline CSU eligibility.</p>

<p>Note that selectivity at CSUs depends on what major you apply for.</p>

<p>An alternative if you cannot get into a CSU you like is to attend a community college, do well there, and then transfer as a junior to the desired CSU (or UC). Use [Welcome</a> to ASSIST](<a href=“http://www.assist.org%5DWelcome”>http://www.assist.org) to select community college courses that will fulfill prerequisites for your major at the campus you wish to attend.</p>