CSU & UC missing 1 prerequisite (maybe)

I am a spanish major planning on transferring Fall 2019, however the prerequisites for most schools state that you need spanish 1 through 4. I am currently taking spanish 2, plan on taking spanish 3 in winter, and spanish 4 in spring. However, I checked all the community colleges around me and they all previously have not offered spanish 3 in winter. So I am worried if that happens my acceptances will be rescinded due to not completing the prerequisites. Are UC’s or CSU’s lenient when it comes to missing a prerequisite?

Missing one pre-req as a Spanish major is totally fine. No need to worry.

would it be due to it not being an impacted major?

Yes. In general, one pre-req missing is fine as long as you’ve done as much as you can elsewhere in terms of IGETC, GPA, etc.

i wouldn’t assume that to be accurate. The UCs and CSUs typically have a required/desired list. Missing anything on the required side can end in rejection. @Gumbymom would know for sure.

Note that not having fourth semester Spanish or higher prior to transfer may delay your progression through the courses in Spanish major.

In general, missing prerequisites at transfer increase the risk of delayed graduation.

I concur with @ucbalumnus in regards to having all the pre-req courses completed by Spring Semester/Quarter prior to transferring. Also the difference between “required pre-req’s” vs. “recommended pre-req’s” can make a difference on your chances for an acceptance. Having all required pre-req’s completed by Fall semester/Winter Quarter would put you in the best position for many of the competitive campuses.

So are Spanish 1-4 “required” courses? If not, then missing one course would not have a huge impact on your admission but as stated above, it could delay your graduation.