CSUF nursing questions?!

<p>So I've been looking at their website:<a href="http://nursing.fullerton.edu/prospectiveStudent/"&gt;http://nursing.fullerton.edu/prospectiveStudent/&lt;/a>
I'm supposed to be looking at the Entry level freshman, right? (I'm in HS right now)</p>

<p>Also, stuff like anatomy are not offered in my HS.
Does that mean that I apply for the school and then take the prerequisites or what?
Or do I go to Mt. SAC and take the classes, then reapply for CSUF?
Or do I go in as the entry level freshman thing, then does the school naturally transfer me over to generic?</p>

<p>By the end of my senior year, I would have completed: 4 years of english (no AP), 4 years of math (AP Calc AB), 3 years of science (AP Bio), 3 years of history (maybe AP Econ), 4 years of band, 3 years of foreign language..</p>

<p>Can someone explain to me how the entire process works?
What am I supposed to apply for when I apply for this college, and stuff..</p>

<p>Sorry for being to generic. I really don't have an idea of this...</p>
