I got denied for Fall 2017 to CSUF because I was not considered Resident and did not have my AS-T, but reapplied for Spring 2018 for Business Administration and sent all my transcripts by Aug 12th.
I am In Area from IVC with a 3.06 GPA after my AS-T .1 GPA bump. My counselor told me it could range anywhere from a 2.7-3.1…I am starting to freak out a little bit because I just want to get into this school already. Can anyone give an opinion on where I stand?
@quynhtrang123 Business Admin.
The AA-T may help you but I believe Business is one of the most impacted majors at CSUF.
On a side note, are we supposed to send transcripts immediately or until they request them?
@paquetusepa yeah that’s what I was thinking too, but I talked to another counselor and she was saying the way CSUF does their admissions for transfers is almost entirely GPA cut off basis no matter the impact of major there is a flat line and you’re either in it or out of it…
It should say on your to do list to send official transcripts, I did it the second I saw it on my to do list just to be on top of things, and then it will ask you for final transcripts once fall is over.
Hello everyone,
I applied to CSU Fullerton, CSU Long Beach, and CSU Channel Islands on August 21st for Spring 2018. I am an out of local and have already attended a CCC (Imperial Valley College aka SoCal area).
My GPA: 2.91 (3.01 with bump after AD-T)
Degrees: AA-T for Psychology and AA for Behavioral Science
Major: Psychology
Golden 4 courses: 2 A’s and 2 C’s.
I would like to know what are my chances of getting into these schools?
Any responses would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

AAT helps a little but, each campus decides what that means. As long as you’ve completed the required classes, If you are local to Fullerton, they will probably let you in. Channel Islands will almost certainly admit you. My guess is Long Beach wont.
Good luck
@NCalRent good to know, thank you so much!!!
Anyone get accepted yet??
They told me at the college fair yesterday that because there’s a new system with cal state apply it will take a few more weeks but definitely by November we’ll know. They also said that the GPA cut off for spring is 2.8 for local students. Good luck!
@CSUtrnsfr quick question, do you happen to know the GPA cut off for out of local?
sorry! But I think it’s above a 3.2 having been none local applying last semester it was above a 3.4
@CSUtrnsfr not a problem, but thank you so much for your help I appreciate it 
Does anyone know when they are making the admission announcements?
Sociology Major
3.64 GPA
Last year i applied for spring 2017 and i got waitlisted and they let me know on october 7. I applied again this year lets see what happens.
What were your grades like?
@CSUtrnsfr i had a 2.8 gpa last year got wait listed. for business major.
so just to be clear, nobody has gotten admitted yet?