so im pretty confused- i got an email/checked my portal on friday saying i had been waitlisted for spring semester of CSUF. i am local, with a 2.8 gpa with the AA-T bump. i am an english major… i accepted the waitlist offer and then today i got an email saying the deadline to accept my admissions offer for CSUF is november 15? so i checked my portal again and it says i got accepted!!?
is it possible for them to take me off the waitlist that quickly?? i am SO excited but i hope it’s not too good to be true.
I got a waitlist offer for Spring 2018 also on Oct 27th. I didn’t accept the waitlist yet because I’m still unsure. Today I got another email telling me that I am now accepted.
I don’t want to accept till i get financial aid info. I was accepted to CSULB a few weeks ago and only have loans offered, im assuming it’ll be the same, but nothing is showing in my CSUF Portal yet for financial aid.
@berr3971: As accepted students decline their acceptance at CSUF, spots for waitlisted students will open up. Yes it is possible to get off the waitlist that fast. Best of luck.
secured my spot!! so happy !! 
I checked my portal and was put on the waitlist as of 10/30.
I’m PRAYING I get a spot in as well! I’m a bit scared since I’m out of local with a flat 3.0 GPA…
hope you get in!!! @olivia0602
Thank you so much, I hope so too!!! @berr3971
How were you able to check your waitlist spot? I’ve checked my portal and I can’t figure out how