CSULB - Chem E transfer question

Ok quick question,

How was your schedule determined? When I looked at the course map/requirements it seems that the first semester I would only be taking CHE 200 / CHE 210 / MATH 370A for the first semester (since these are the only classes that I qualify to take due to prereqs). After that I see that CHE 310 is a prerequisite for most of the classes and I have to take CHE 220 before I take 310. So that’s basically 2 semesters with only 1 class. Does anyone have clarification about this? Did anyone get their prerequisites waived?


You can take 320 after 200.
You can take 433, 445 after 220.
You can take 420 after 220 and 320.

So you could do:

Semester 1: 200, 210, Math 370A, elective
Semester 2: 220, 320, two electives
Semester 3: 310, 433, 445, elective
Semester 4: 330, 420, 430, Chem 375
Semester 5: 440, 450, 460, 470

(433 and 445 count as in-major electives; 455, 475, or 485 are also options if you have completed an organic chemistry course equivalent to Chem 220A or 227)

Looks like you will need 5 semesters after transfer if you cannot take at least 200 before transfer.

Do you know of any community colleges that offer 200 & 220 in California? That sucks that I’d be forced to do 5 semesters when I’d have less than a full load of courses

Unfortunately, you probably need to do an exhaustive search on https://assist.org . Community colleges closer to CSULB may be slightly more likely to have courses to cover unique-to-CSULB courses.