<p>Hi, I wanted to open this thread to see if anybody has heard back about their housing application and status with an email or anything? </p>
<p>or if your a past student, how many days did you wait to apply ?
and were you put on a waitinglist? (if you eventually got a room, how did it go with your preferences of dorm and roommate?)</p>
<p>Applying for housing started March 1st, I applied march 17th, I have a feeling 17 days is late enough :/</p>
<p>Returning students just passed their deadline of Mar 18 and new students have until May 1 to pay their deposit. </p>
<p>From the Housing FAQ…
How will I know if my license and initial payment were received by Housing Office? Will I be notified that I have a room or if I am on the paid waiting list?</p>
<p>You can check your application status online by logging on to the CSULB Housing Web Portal. You will not be contacted by the Housing Office regarding your status. If you have been confirmed for housing, information will be sent to you using your preferred email address. This information will include the dates to log on to the Web Portal for roommate and room selection. If you are on the paid wait list, we are not able to predict how quickly or slowly the paid waiting list may change; it all depends on the number of cancellations we receive throughout the summer and fall. Check the CSULB Housing Web Portal often for updates to your status. You must cancel your housing application using the CSULB Housing Web Portal should you decide you no longer need University housing.</p>
<p>I found out on my own, i’ve already done all that research. i just wanted to know why they haven’t sent our their email about the status.</p>
<p>i called the housing office, and the guy said theyre running late on sending out emails, and applying on the 17th should be no problem.
<p><em>whew</em> Thanks for the info, I applied and sent my payment in on the 16th, I was worried that all the spaces were taken by then =D</p>
<p>me too ! i hope the guy is right:)</p>