I was accepted CSULB back in feb. and I liked the campus and everything I recently accepted their offer and paid for the housing deposit and SOAR. I just heard back from UCSD and got accepted. I am from San Diego so i would be staying my my home town. Can i withdraw my acceptance from long beach still ?

I am a biology major i feel like UCSD is the better choice since they have medical school and i would like to apply to ucsd medical school in the future. CSULB has a good program and a minor in forensic which i would like to get if i went there.
I am a bit torn in which is the better option.

You can withdraw from CSULB, but you will loose your enrollment deposit.

@Gumbymom I qualified for the fee waiver ,
I had accepted the financial aid and paid the housing deposit.

Do i have to call each department to withdraw my application individually ?

Yes, you will have to find out if you can get a refund on your housing deposit since it is early, you should be able to get it back.

You would need to call both Housing and Admissions to withdraw and follow their instructions.

Still learning here: is the Housing Deposit you refer to the same as the SIR $250 fee? If not may I ask you how much it cost you for the deposit that you hope to get back? I’m trying to get clear on pricing and deposits etc. for CSULB

@PineppleSlicer: Pay a non-refundable license service fee of $275. Payment is required to complete the application. (Housing priority is based on the date and time the license service fee is paid.)

the enrollment fee was $150 but i get it waived
SOAR was $60
and housing was $270