Hello everyone,

I need a little bit of advice. I recently graduated from Coastline Community College and received my AA in Science and Math with honors. I applied at CSUMB and my transfer GPA would be around 3.92 out of 4. I have met all the minimum requirements for the program and finished 5 out of 7 of the recommended courses and in process of finishing the sixth.

After applying for the program I have been put on a waitlist and the email says limited space.

My question is: did they just not like my application and will not accept me now or in the future or there are so many people with higher credentials applying for this program that there were no spaces left. should I try again next term or just give up for now?

The reason I choose this school is that it’s in California and I work full time and cannot attend a traditional university.

Thank you in advance.

Contact them directly and ask your questions.

Computer Science Online Degree Completion:

Email: csonline@csumb.edu
Phone(831) 582-3781

Thank you for your reply. I have that information. I don’t think they will tell me that they just didn’t like my application in the e-mail or over the phone.

I am looking to see if somebody has a similar experience and has faced a similar situation before.

Sorry, I cannot be any more help. Best of luck and please update if you find out more information.

Thank you! Will do.