I need some advice. I applied to Sac State and got admitted for CS. Unfortunately for first semester senior year, I got a D in pre-calculus which is my fourth year of math. I already completed 3 years of math which is the requirement. I really want to go to Sac State and possibly thinking of being committed there. Another thing is during my first semester senior year, I had a significantly higher GPA than all the semesters in high school. So what are my chances of being rescinded? This is the only grade that’s really worrying me and I would do anything not to get rescinded 
Sorry I posted in the wrong thread. I don’t know where to post for CSU in general.
You need to contact Sac state to see what your options are at this point. CSU’s do rescind for D and F’s, but hopefully Sac state will wait until your final 2nd semester grade before they consider something so drastic. In the meantime, talk to admissions, let them know about the grade and see what you can do to maintain your admission.
Also I am not sure why this issue always comes up, but just because you have fulfilled the minimum CSU requirements does not mean that schools will turn a blind eye to lower than expected grades in a-g courses taken Senior year.
Ok thanks. I will definitely contact them and tell them about the situation and hopefully they will understand.