CU Boulder Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

CU really rose in the ranks for DD. It was a school I recommended she add to her list but I don’t think she put much thought into until the acceptance came in. She has a direct admittance to CS, and we are also waiting on VT. I think VT is a likely admit, so that will give her 4 to choose from — IU Luddy (direct admit, CS), CU, VT and Pitt. Her safeties are Iowa State and Michigan State.

Pitt has been her first choice for a long time, but I think the deferral deflated her a bit, and they’ve taken so long to even send a congratulations email. I think it’s left her wondering how they’ll treat her as a student. Where I’m torn as a parent is that Pitt is a higher-ranked school overall, but CU’s CS program is much more highly ranked. IU Luddy seems like it might be the best fit in terms of advising/LLC environment and while it’s a huge school she may get a “smaller school” feeling there, which would be good for her. However, CU seems a lot better with communication and engagement so far. I’ve been really impressed by everything they’ve sent us. We’re heading out there for a visit in April and if she likes it I think CU will win out over Pitt!


Curious what all you’ve been sent? Has it been from the CS department? My daughter is a different major, but we haven’t gotten anything. She is kind of losing interest as it’s just becoming a random acceptance. Trying to decide if we should go and visit.

I went to CU so daughter applied but I was really hoping she’d pick somewhere else.
Her dream school was UT but she was CAP’d - being a military kid and always being the new kid and being behind in making friends and having to transfer we decided the CAP program wasn’t something she wanted to go through. Penn State was up there but she got the 2+2…no thanks.
Accepted to ASU, Houston, Ole Miss, Oklahoma, Arkansas. Deferred from Wisconsin, Ohio State, Auburn, and still waiting to hear from UF and CU.
The other night she just decided - Arkansas. I asked if she wanted to hear back from the other schools. Nope.
Anyway, I’m pumped for her. Psychology.


I’ve gotten a couple of emails myself (congratulations on your kid’s acceptance to CU, and another congratulations email from the dean of engineering). She got those emails, too, but no other school has sent me any communications. D22 has gotten an invite to CU’s SWE chapter which makes her eligible for the CU Engineering SWE scholarship. She got The Big Envelope in the mail this week which was nice. They’ve already released their family weekend dates for fall so we don’t have to guess, and that page has a lot of interesting information. I just feel like I don’t have to dig for information like at some schools she’s considering.

We hear from them before we have to search for information. Here’s your admittance, here’s your scholarship, here’s admitted students’ day options, here’s your financial aid information, etc. With Pitt we had to check the document center to see if there were updates and then it was a week before she got the congratulations email, nothing has come in the mail, but they did send her an email inviting her (an Illinois resident) to the virtual international admitted students’ day. She’s going to end up at one of these large schools, and I want it to be as easy as possible for her to figure out how to navigate their systems and portals on her own, and I want them to know how to manage that many students effectively. What happens in the classroom matters most, but these are definitely data points, too.


Thank you for info! Wow- I am wondering if my daughter is actually an admitted student :laughing:… we have not received anything in the mail, and I’m not sure (with the exception of an email after she was accepted) if I have received any communication from CU.
I agree with you, it makes a huge difference in the feeling towards a school. Miami (among others) has been incredible in communicating and sharing and my daughter has really gravitated to that feeling of community. We would like her to consider other schools though in this process so I keep hoping to hear from CU.
Thanks again and congrats to you all!


We are waiting for UIUC too (2/15) but we are from Illinois and there are too many kids from her high school who end up there and she doesn’t want to spend the next four years with 100-200 kids from her HS. Our HS is #20 in the state and we do have a lot of kids at UIUC.

Purdue - yes, not a direct admit and it is mostly Aero engineering when CU Boulder is mostly Space, larger NASA grant etc. So she is leaning heavily towards CU because their department focus is all about satellite navigation, life in space etc…

UMich - we didn’t apply. A bit too expensive for no added benefit relative to UIUC, Purdue or CU in Aerospace.


The deans email was a couple of weeks ago.
The envelope came in on Tuesday. The financial aid email just yesterday - not much from the government but with two engineering incomes in the family we didn’t expect much.

So just wait for a couple of more days.

We are applying for scholarships to see what comes up and just waiting for a couple of more colleges to make up their minds.

Otherwise we’lll see you at Aerospace Boulder!


We literally did the same thing. Felt like I was reading my thoughts … lol

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It’s an exciting time at CU for sure. I will say that Purdue is heavy into space as well. They have the most astronauts of any public university. Purdue has students pick Aero or Astro, so students can specialize in space, where CU’s courses cover both without having student pick a speciality. There are pluses and minuses to both approaches. Purdue, UMich, GT, UIUC all have NASA grants and projects, but right now CU does have the highest dollar amount, although that fluctuates all the time. We are from IL too. My son went to the UIUC aerospace program over the summer and loved it. He liked that UIUC was direct admit to major. The current aerospace students there told him it was nice because it was a heavily funded program, but was smaller and more hands on than some other universities. I totally get wanting something different, I left my state as fast as I could after high school, lol. We’ll have to see what UIUC says on 2/25. Best of luck :slightly_smiling_face:.


The Big Envelope just came this week, so I’m sure they’re sending them out to everyone, just slowly. I liked that with Iowa State she got The Big Envelope before she got any emails or portal updates. It was much more exciting! But they shot those out in the mail asap. I think she applied on a Saturday and received it in the mail on the following Friday.


We’re in Florida and haven’t received our big envelope yet either.

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@Stephanie_Embree_Rob - my D23 is interested in aero engineering. that was a very very helpful, interesting post. thanks.

Hmm…I didn’t get anything in the mail either. I’m getting lots of emails and I was offered the Presidential Scholarship, but no “big envelope” in the mail. Weird.

DD22 OOS Received her Big Envelope yesterday (15 Feb 2022).


DD22 OOS is also a future Aerospace Engineering student. Good Luck to your DD.

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Anyone know how housing registration and dorm selection will work for incoming freshman (fall 2022) ?

Son was accepted, and looking through everything seems housing won’t open up to even take the $200 deposit until March ?

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Have the same question.

Yes. Son was admitted, we went to Be Boulder For A Day visit last week. You can accept and pay your $200 deposit now. More info going up on portal this month and housing app opens Mar 1. Make sure you have Identikey etc all set ahead of time because it can take a few days for it all to go through. We have paid the deposit but have not selected housing yet and will do that Mar 1


Thx! How was Be Boulder for a Day? I will be taking my son to the same even on March 18. Last July we did Campus, Housing, and College of Eng tours.

Applied for scholarships and got $2000 a year or $8000 total. Well something. Combined with “federal subsidized loan” of $5500 a year it is a good start.

So definitely #1 for us still!!!