Culture of CC

<p>So, I'm very into the idea of CC as a school, its seems like a very freethinking place and the block plan looks fantastic. it also has a great reputation. I recently got accepted. My issue is the Colorado Springs location. Although it is a stereotype, i don't feel like a "colorado" kind of guy. I love the mountains and stuff but i'm not a nature enthusiast. I'm really into hip hop music and hip hop culture, in fact, i wrote my essay for CC about the production of hip hop music and its regional distinctions. To top things off, i'm really not a very conservative person at all. CC is the best school i got accepted too but my issue is, would I "fit in" here? I hope someone can respond to this so i can make a decision. Thanks</p>

<p>I'm looking at CC too. In response to your concern about not being conservative.. I've heard that Colorado College is very liberal and that there is divide in Colorado Springs between the college and the megachurch community. So I wouldn't worry about that too much because I'm sure there's a less conservative community outside of the school as well.</p>

<p>CC is VERY liberal. C Springs is very conservative, but it doesn't affect the students much.</p>

<p>That said, if you really need a metropolis, C Springs is not the place to be. Can you find a way to explore how much hip hop culture there is at CC? If you are already accepted, the school will likely be helpful in hooking you up with the right people. There might be enough of what you want right on the campus.</p>

<p>My S, at a recent event for prospective students, really hit it off with one of the music professors. I don't know his name but he as been at CC for 40+ years, and at one time was the acting President or some such. Anyway, he was able to tell my S a lot about the music scene (and other things) at CC. Try to track him down (should not be hard) and call him, or fire off an email. Don't be shy! Don't be age-ist either! He'd probably love to help.</p>

<p>Not conservative??? Not an issue at CC.</p>

<p>I'm not sure about the music department, as a department, but S has found Dance to provide a lot of opportunities.</p>

<p>He choreographed and performed at an off campus live music venue with the musician.</p>

<p>Search the Internet for the CS clubs and concerts. And, Dever is up the HWY so you get the added bonus of music variety in a much larger city.</p>

<p>My S skis, but isn't a total outdoor junkie and he has found CC to his liking.</p>

<p>I second tk21769's idea of calling the college and trying to find someone in the music department to ask about the scene. One of the many benefits of CC is that the profs aren't greatly removed from the students. My S has gotten lots of personal interaction with profs concerning his creative interests.</p>

<p>yeah, im really into the hip hop culture also. i jst visited CC and was really struck by the amount of hippies there. at any rate, there are regular people, not so hippies arent regular, but im not a hippie. i plan to go there next yr. as for C springs i here its a really chill place but conservative, however there is hardly any tensions between the liberal atmosphere of CC and the town itself. And Denver, Boulder is only a drive away, it sounded like there are many trips there to have a good time. I feel CC is a good school, and i didnt feel like i would be best fit there, but i did find my kind of people. so im sure you'll find people like me there too. go CC!!!!!!</p>

<p>My younger brother goes to CC (I go to Reed) and he's hip-hop obsessed. We're from Brooklyn, NY so he knows the good, real stuff and he does not feel "out of place" at all at CC. He plays the guitar also (he's a huge Hendrix fan) but he also mixes beats, raps, etc and he says the area is really stimulating and inspiring as an artist.</p>

<p>S goes to CC. School is liberal but not unbareably so. He loves it there and he has been reinvigorated about academics. He was really getting tired of it all and this has been a great shot in the arm for him.</p>

<p>You see, in high school, he always felt like he was rushing to get things done. Math test, papers, readings, activities. Too much to do to even focus on it and take anything to any depth. The block system has allowed him to do that. He feels like he has all the time in the world to work on the academics, explore, and learn. Plus with just the one course on the schedule, he feels less frenzied during his social time. Just a shorter list of things to do and a deeper enjoyment. And if you pick a course or subject you don't like, oh well, it's over in 3 and 1/2 weeks, so just grin and bear it. Loves the out doors life, the campus, the town/city, the skiing, the activities, the kids. He is very, very happy there. </p>

<p>Oh, and the professors and others working there are terrific. It is a caring community that gets to know you well.</p>

<p>lolita500... thats was real legit to hear haha.</p>