Cumulative average damaged due to 1st year

<p>Anyone have this problem? My story kinda goes like this. My first term sucked due to having bad profs and being ill for some time, which damaged my GPA. Second term of first year and first term of 2nd year, I managed to make a come back, but my GPA is still damaged due to first term</p>

<p>Because of this, I am having trouble applying for scholarships, research positions because of one term in first year. I have also noticed that even if I had gotten A+ in every class this term, my average would only go up by maybe 1%. </p>

<p>Anyone want to share some thoughts and perhaps some comfort? Because right now I seriously don't feel like I have a future at all.</p>

<p>I have a story for you my friend’s priest ended his first semester of college with bellow a 1.0. He was placed on academic probation and he graduated with something around a 3.2. If he can turn it around so can you. What was your first term grades? If you absolutely need to you can always retake a course. My advice is to work hard and try to pull all A. So what if it only brings you up 1% an upward trend is always better than a downward trend. I would also recommend talking to a academic adviser to see if there is anything more that can be done. I wish you the best of luck</p>

<p>If your GPA would only go up 1% from having all A+s this semester then your GPA isn’t too bad to begin with. Assuming an A+ is 4.0 and you have the same number of credits every semester, you have a 3.85 now. If you’re not taking the same number of credits that’s your fault. Stop whining about an imperfect GPA.</p>