How does the Dean Scholars program work?
I have been read several forums where applicants state they applied for the program, whereas Baruch’s website states that there was no application and applicants will be informed after they receive their decision(and after Macaulay).
If someone could clarify, that would be extremely helpful. Thanks!
Hey i’m currently a freshman in the Deans Scholars program at Baruch. Last year after being accepted to Baruch a few weeks later I was emailed asking if I would be interested in the deans scholars program, and it had instructions for how to apply. If i remember correctly the application was pretty much the same as the macaulay one, you could even use the same essays. A few weeks after doing the application, around this time last year (March 17th actually) I got an email saying I got into the deans scholars program. So yeah there is an application, but you wouldn’t have access to it unless you are invited to apply. Good luck 
Hi, I’m thinking about attending Baruch through the Dean’s Scholars Program as well.If you could give a bit of insight into what your experience so far has been like, that would be SO helpful! I have found so many forums on people’s application but none about the experience. Is there any difference between being a regular student and a Dean Scholars one other than the GPA requirement?
there are a few differences between regular Baruch students and deans scholars. Deans scholars have their own academic advisor who they are required to see twice a year and who they can make appointments with ahead of time, while other students have to wait on line at the academic advisement center (sometimes for over an hour) for a random advisor who doesn’t really know you. Deans scholars also get early class registration which is super helpful because classes fill up fast. They also get a free MacBook Air. As for the general experience, deans scholars have a few exclusive events each semester where they can meet other deans scholars. They also have freshman seminar class with only other deans scholars. The rest of your classes will have non deans scholars students. There aren’t really other differences between being a regular Baruch student and a deans scholar.
Uptowngirl how r the math teachers? Very important to me, I want to study engineering so plan to come to Baruch, then transfer out. Thx!
Some are good some are bad. That’ll be the case at pretty much any school. Check rate my professor and the previous semester’s evaluations before registering for a math class. I took calc in high school so I don’t have to take it at Baruch, but I have heard really good things about a few professors and bad things about others lol.