cuny student transfer to fordham?

<p>well i go to cuny johnjay in newyork city. fordham is our next door neighbor. right now in jay, i'm majoring in criminal justice/law. is there a higher chance for me to get transferred to fordham next fall? or is it better to transfer next spring? i want to major in legal studies at fordham and then continue to fordham school of law. my gpa at jay is 3.7. in high school, i had 83 avg with 1120 sat. i was in school productions, cultural club as treasurer, keyclub as webmaster. i volunteered at redcross. i worked as webdesigner for a small business company. i competed in national crewing competitions. what's my chances? thanks in advance.</p>

<p>along with collegeskids ?, I have been waiting days for someone to giv eme some kind of persepective on my chances for fordham- Currently a freshman at University of Massachusetts- Amherst- 3.4 gpa- 1100 on sats (i know, not that good) ranked 65th/550</p>


<p>Drama Club- public relations officer(12th grade)
Drama spring 05 Production- "Bye Bye Birdiie- Ursula Merkle
Drama fall 04 production- "Arsenic and old lace"- Officer O'Hara
Theatre major progam completion
Drama spring 04 production- "The sound of music"- Nun
Drama fall 03 production- "12 Angry Jurors"- Juror # 10
Science Club- Secretary (11-12TH GRADE)
Interact club (9th-10th)
Crusader newspaper (10th grade)
Volunteered for Make a wish foundation (11th)
Sacred Heart Community theatre summer 04- "The Pajama Game"- Sara (11th)
Helen Hayes theatre workshop- "The odd couple: Female version"-Olive (10th grade)
Buser/ Waitress at golf course (11th-12 grade)
neighboorhood dog/babysitter (oh, the goodtimes) 9-12
MCC Theatre Group- Fall04-Spring 05</p>


<p>thecollegekid and avtussel07: The first thing that you should both do is contact Fordham admissions at 1-800-FORDHAM and ask to speak with an admissions counselor for transfer students, and make sure you get that person's name, because it's very important to establish contact for follow-up. Also, if at all possible, arrange with that person to come into Fordham for an interview. Also, it might be possible for you to meet with the Dean/Chairman of the school/department you're interested in transferring into. Schools are impressed if you are really passionate about your reason for transferring and also in terms of what you're planning on studying. If you know anyone who currently attends Fordham, make sure that you mention his/her name, their class/year, what they're studying, and any other pertinent information that you think would help the transfer. It is important to be persistent and to have them see you as an individual (which they do) and not as a number. Since you're taking college level courses, they'll probably be looking more at your current GPA and not the SAT, because the SAT is usually weighed less after a student has been out of high school for a year or more. Again, the admissions counselor would be the best person to answer this type of question.</p>

<p>thank you so much for the advice- so much</p>

<p>avtussel07: Best of luck to you! It sounds like you have a lot going for you, and you'll do well.</p>

<p>You both probably have excellent chances.</p>