Curious about transfer Question!!

<p>If I am a currently freshman, do I have to apply with only first semester grade?
However, it says on the website that trasfer student must have at least 24 semester hours of transferable course work.
If my credit does not have at least 24 hours, what do I do?
How do current freshman apply with only first semester grade?
Do they have 24 credits?</p>

<p>"Prior to applying for transfer admission, students must have completed (or be completing) at least 24 semester hours of transferable course work. This essentially equates to one year of college-level study. We do not accept transfer students at the freshman level. " </p>

<li>They also do not accept transfer students at the freshman level.
However, aren't there many freshmen?</li>

<p>You apply with known first semester grades and must finish 24 credits (that will transfer) before you can start at UW. Of course you won’t have second semester grades until after your semseter ends, but you don’t have to wait until then to apply. UW does reserve the right to cancel your admission if you do poorly the sexcond semester. </p>

<p>The freshmen all started at UW without being college students elsewhere (this does not preclude having college courses from other U’s as a HS student).</p>

I am getting what you are saying. But I believe UW does not accept Freshmen status… However, if students are finishing first semester and applyin for transfer, wouldn’t they still considered as freshmen? I am just curious. Thanks</p>

<p>Meaning: you can’t transfer between 1st and 2nd semesters Freshman year. You can apply then for the following fall, you just can’t start classes in January.</p>