Current chances to get into a nursing program?

<p>I'm only sliiightly nervous on my driving toward a BSN Program. Just a little. (Read: A lot.)</p>

<p>A bit of a lengthy post! Here we go!</p>

<p>-- Working on final five quarters for Pre-Nursing at my community college
-- Overall 3.5 GPA. Sharp upward trend. Estimate ~3.8 ending, especially if I retake a class or two.
-- Beginning CNA course in Summer</p>

-- 70 hours; teacher-aid at an elementary summer school
-- 30 hours; tutoring at local library</p>

<p>-- starting hospital volunteer hours during summer
-- planning to apply to become tutor for psychology at campus Tutoring Center</p>

<p>-- active member of two clubs at my cc campus
-- active member of a band with a few friends</p>

<p>** My goal to transfer to:**
-- University of Washington
-- Seattle University
-- any other in-state university offering a BSN. Any suggestions?</p>

<p>Out of state-wise, I'm looking at UCLA but I won't be too heart broken if it's too far out of my reach to make it.</p>

<p>...and finally, my questions:
What are my chances as they stand now?</p>

<p>And would admissions care that I'm a WA Running Start student?</p>

<p>And another question--I heard some universities don't quite like it when you have tons of credits, but I personally would like to take extra classes in the psych department because I enjoy the subject immensely. Is this true or does it just depend on the university?</p>

<p>Good to join any [cna</a> training](<a href=“Gold IRA Investment Cost and Fees - Cnatrainingfacts”> as it has a vast scope for your career. A nursing assistant must have compassion and a desire to help people. It is not an easy job, but it can be very rewarding. We have observed the dismay that new CNAs feel when overwhelmed by the workload and fast pace.</p>