<p>I'm only sliiightly nervous on my driving toward a BSN Program. Just a little. (Read: A lot.)</p>
<p>A bit of a lengthy post! Here we go!</p>
<p>-- Working on final five quarters for Pre-Nursing at my community college
-- Overall 3.5 GPA. Sharp upward trend. Estimate ~3.8 ending, especially if I retake a class or two.
-- Beginning CNA course in Summer</p>
-- 70 hours; teacher-aid at an elementary summer school
-- 30 hours; tutoring at local library</p>
<p>-- starting hospital volunteer hours during summer
-- planning to apply to become tutor for psychology at campus Tutoring Center</p>
<p>-- active member of two clubs at my cc campus
-- active member of a band with a few friends</p>
<p>** My goal to transfer to:**
-- University of Washington
-- Seattle University
-- any other in-state university offering a BSN. Any suggestions?</p>
<p>Out of state-wise, I'm looking at UCLA but I won't be too heart broken if it's too far out of my reach to make it.</p>
<p>...and finally, my questions:
What are my chances as they stand now?</p>
<p>And would admissions care that I'm a WA Running Start student?</p>
<p>And another question--I heard some universities don't quite like it when you have tons of credits, but I personally would like to take extra classes in the psych department because I enjoy the subject immensely. Is this true or does it just depend on the university?</p>