Current Freshman

Hello, current political science freshman here to answer any of your questions. Ask away

Hi! I’m looking to major in Political Science and I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about the classes offered and required? Also I was wondering what the political climate of the school was and if there are any political clubs?

There are three pre-requisites that you must take in order to move on to the more advanced classes, political theory, international relations, and American government. After this you can take almost any kind of political science class imaginable. The school in general is liberal but most colleges today are. I’ve found in my political science classes though that there is surprisingly no bias within the teachers or in the classroom. There is a club called inside government which has a lot of guest politican speakers, as well as a club for every political party.

Opinion on CS for Loyola? I’m debating going there for CS because of the different things I’m hearing bout it.

Don’t know too much about the CS program, but I do believe that a good number of those classes are held at the water tower campus downtown.

Oh really? I live just near the lake shore campus so I was hoping my classes would be at lakeshore. Is there no possible way I can take the classes here instead of water tower?