Current Hokie Willing to Answer Questions About Admissions

Hey Everyone,
I am currently a sophomore transfer student in General Engineering. I would be more than happy to answer any questions regarding admission this fall/looking at essays, etc, especially as this upcoming year will likely see a lower acceptance rate, similar to when I applied as a high school senior.

Question about applying to engineering as a high school senior coming in as a freshman.

  1. Is a candidate completely rejected from university if not accepted into engineering, or are they put in the general university pool for acceptance?
  2. If I were to apply to the general university and admitted, could I then begin to take engineering classes as a freshman and apply to the engineering school as a enrolled student. In other words, is there any way to get into the engineering program other than directly as a high school senior?
    Hope that makes sense. Thanks for your feedback.


  1. If you do not get into your first choice major, you will not be admitted to Tech. The change was made a year or two again to stop the whole “undecided, but I just want to get into engineering later” thing.
  2. You could go through university studies, but in my opinion, you’d have a better shot of getting in through a science-related, non-engineering degree that has a smaller program at Tech, like Chem or Bio, and then transferring in later. They have been trying to stop people who aren’t actually undecided from entering the COE and if you have any engineering classes, that’s a pretty big tell that you are not that undecided. They did, however, create the Explore Tech major recently that is kind of like engineering undecided. In terms of classes, you would be able to take all the required freshman classes except the first semester engineering course. However, you can take this at the nearby community college, you’d just have to pay for it on your own though. You’d still be on track to declare with all the other engineering major if you did this. Let me know if this helps.


Virginia Tech is extremely transparent with their admissions data - more than most other universities. Use this site to compare yourself with past admits to get a better feel for your chances with engineering, physics, bio, chem, undecided, etc.

Good luck!